How do you clean an inflatable kayak?
Inflatable kayaks are perfect for those that need a lightweight and easy to transport vessel. They are also great for those who enjoy the outdoors but don’t have much storage space at home. But what do you do when it’s time to clean your inflatable kayak?
If your kayak is a little dirty:
1. Inflate the kayak and remove any dirt or debris from the inside of the boat
2. Spray down with a hose to clean off any loose dirt or grime
3. Soak up excess water by using towels, sponges, etc., then let air dry
4. If there are stubborn stains that won’t come out, use a mild soap and scrub them away with an old toothbrush
If your kayak is really dirty:
1. Fill a bucket with warm water and dish soap
2. Soak the kayak in the soapy water for at least 5 minutes
3. Rinse off all of the soap with fresh water from your garden hose or pressure washer
4. Remove any dirt, debris, or sand that remains on the kayak’s surface using a scrub brush or sponge
Kayak Cleaning Frequently Asked Questions
So, you're looking to clean your kayak after a long day of paddling. What do we need? A bucket and some soapy water should be enough--you'll probably even find special soap made just for cleaning kayaks! Give it a good scrubbing with the sudsy mixture until all that dirt is gone; make sure any grime or sand has been removed as well. You want to get in those crevices too if this boat lives near seawater like mine does: I'm pretty diligent about my weekly baths but there's no telling what can happen during an hour-long paddle session!
Paddling can be a lot of fun, but you also need to maintain your kayak. Your kayak is designed for easy maintenance: just rinse it with water and mild soap after use - even if the paddling was in saltwater! You can also wax your kayak after washing it to keep it shiny all year long.
Not all inflatable kayaks are created equally, but if you give your inflatable kayak the care and attention it deserves it can last for up to 5-10 years!