How to Clean a Kayak


Written by David Myers

October 3, 2019
kayaking with doggo

Photo of the week!

You might own one of the best Kayaks, which you may think is the most durable, but still, at some stage, you’ll need to clean to help prolong its life and look. Waxing a Kayak will give it a new shiny look. Although there are several other ways to do it: 

Waxing A Composite Kayak

Waxing a kayak will help it by protecting from any damage and will increase its durability, shelter from the rays of the sun, and scratches. But remember if you own a plastic vessel, then you don’t need to wax it. However, a plastic coating could help in enhancing the color and give it UV protection.

The best Way to Clean Your Kayak

Your Kayak not only needs waxing, but cleaning it regularly is also necessary. You need to rinse off your Kayak after every paddling. This will not only help it in staying tip-top but will keep it in good shape as well, especially after you’ve paddled it in salty water. Try to rinse off your Kayak with clean water using mild soap or boat wash and remember to cover it until you use it next time.

Cleaning Inflatable and Polyethylene Kayaks

Mostly Inflatable and Polyethylene Kayaks don’t need waxing. You can apply soap with clean water or use some protection sprays to keep it nice and clean. This way, it will prolong its life. The UV protection and wax is not needed for inflatable kayaks.

Repairing scratches on your Kayak

While you paddle down from rocky surfaces your Kayak can get some severe damage, and you need to consult a professional to help you in removing those scratches but if you think the damage is minimal you can do it yourself with a steady hand or with the help of a little heat that will give your Kayak a new look. Always remember to ignore the light scratches rather than going for a complicated repair, but if it’s minimal, then you can use a hairdryer to put some hot air on the scratches until they disappear.

Protect and restore your Kayak

If you think your Kayak has lost some color, you can use protectant like 303 aerospace, which will not only give it shine but will also protect it from the rays of the UV radiation of the sun. Remember, the UV radiation of the sun is harmful to plastic as it can increase the chances of cracks forming. Using a 303 aerospace has a benefit being water-based, not oil-based, which is environment-friendly as well. The best way of applying this method is to first remove the dust or any sea salt from the surface, and then you need to use this method while your Kayak is still wet; this way, you can also get rid of some minor surface markings as well.

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